About Us

The MyView Youth Film Festival launched in 2013 as a collaborative initiative between the Kemptville Youth Centre, the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit and Triune Films, aimed at providing young filmmakers in the North Grenville area with a platform to express themselves to, and about, the local community.

Now in its 10th year, the MyView Youth Film Festival has grown far outside of its North Grenville roots, providing youth from across Eastern Ontario with a space to share their issues, their community, their life, and their views.

Why Tobacco Free?

The Tobacco Industry has a long and sordid history with Hollywood and films. While outright paid product placement is now banned, exposure to tobacco use in films is still widespread and far exceeds actual use rates in the population. This leads us to wonder if covert payments for promotion of tobacco use are still widespread. The World Health Organization has concluded that the more onscreen smoking youth are exposed to, the more likely it is that they will smoke.

The MyView Youth Film Festival is taking a stand on this issue by creating a tobacco and vaping free policy for all film submissions. No tobacco or vaping use, imagery, or promotion is permitted in any of the films submitted for the contest. The only exception to this policy is when it is directly related to the message of the film and it is accurately portrayed including the dangers and consequences of its use.

For more information on tobacco use in movies, visit www.smokefreemovies.ca

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